Pink Lint "Don't Pull The Rug From Under Your Horse"

Optionen zu Pink Lint

Vinyl18,00 € 
CD10,00 € 


Pink Lint - "Don't Pull The Rug From Under Your Horse" (Vinyl + Downloadcode / CD)


01. Fiddler

02. Et Tu, Brute?

03. C. Howard

04. Run Dog, run

05. Nails

06. Who Made You Up?

07. It's a Trap

08. Loom

09. Bat in the Patio

10. Terrific


Release: 23.11.2018 (Listenrecords/Broken Silence)

Pink Lint's themes range from destructive procrastination to pensioners jumping from balconies to Schrödinger’s cat to horses standing on rugs… Sometimes told through imaginative scenes, other times brutally direct, the Berlin-based storyteller clothes the ordinary in weird anti-folk hymns.